Thursday, January 22, 2009

To teach or not to teach?

Shiny buttons, rock stars, witty people, and stumping people for the sake of stumping people, this is the life of the on-air radio personality. After graduating with a degree in Communiations Media Studies, I sought a career in radio and successfully worked in radio for over two years. However, after thousands of hours of microphone time, I found that I had said a lot and said nothing. Spoken words have no tangible esscense, but yet the words we speak and listen to affect who we are, what we desire, and what our legacy will be.

The on-air personality seemed to reduce language to most the trivial level and so I wondered if my words were worthless. They were fun, but to what good for society? If words were tangible, would I have produced a giant pile of waste or a shining jewel that all recognized as good. It seems the teacher's words are the opposite of the on-air personality. The on-air personality uses words for the sake words. The goal is for people to keep listening in order to generate an audience. The words of the teacher are scrutinized and held in the highest regard which is affirmed in the Scripture as it says that teachers are held to higher standard.

This convinction on language, purpose, and legacy was a driving force that led me to consider teaching. Another huge factor was society's condition as a whole. I am an individual that desires change in society. One may think the best form of change comes through marketing and media. However, after studying media, I disagree. I believe the building blocks of society our families, schools, and churches. As a result, the teacher plays a key role improving schools. They are the frontlines of social change. It is for these reasons that I choose to teach rather than entertain, although, at times skills in entertainment are handy in teaching.

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